Nature’s perfect organic nutrient source.
- Creates wonderful soil structure
- Studies have shown earthworm castings to contain high microbial levels (compared to surrounding soil)
- Water less! Worm Castings help hold moisture in the root zone
- Rejuvenate houseplants! Add ¼ cup per gallon pot to soil surface
- Give new plants a head start! Mix ¼ cup into soil planting hole for each plant
- Can also apply as “tea” when watering. See below.
- Contains: 100% Organic Worm Castings
*No shipping outside of the continental United States.*
How to make your own worm castings “tea”
Mix 1lb. of worm castings in 1 gallon of water. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds, let castings settle to bottom, then pour off a fraction of the liquid solution. Stop before pouring out castings particles, and repeat until tea turns light brown in color, then pour out any remaining castings and use as mulch.